Varsity Volleyball wins 3-1 & JV wins 2-1 over Logan View tonight! Way to go Pendragons!

Our school looks a little different since we came back in August. According to Head Maintenance person, Tony Crippen, over the summer there were many renovations or new additions to the school. The Jr. High locker room were redone, we got a new roof on the science, elementary and multipurpose rooms, new carpet was placed by the entrance of door 16 and also in a few class rooms in the secondary. A new fence was put around the football field and we also redid our new Tech Coordinator’s office.
We also had a moment to visit with Superintendent Jason Dolliver about the new things as far as technology. The biggest thing would be the chrome books for the students in grades 4-6. It will give them a chance to use different resources in the classroom. It will be interesting to see how teachers will use them to enhance student learning in the classroom. The other change was that 7th and 8th graders changed from Mac books to using the Chromebooks. We have a full-time technology director in the building this year, also. Jennifer Davis will be filling that position. She will be a great resource for students and teachers alike.

Wednesday, September 13th is a 2:30 dismissal for K-12. Preschool will be dismissed at 3:30.

Absolutely FANTASTIC musical production tonight!!! If you didn't see it tonight make it a point to come tomorrow at 7:00 or 3:00 on Sunday!

Congratulations to Faith Morris on placing 4th at the Hartington CC meet yesterday.

Looking for something to do this weekend come check out Back to The 80's the TOTALLY AWESOME MUSICAL at Pender Schools!! Friday and Saturday at 7 Sunday at 3!! Come dressed in 80's style and get entered into a drawing!! See you there!!!

Man, it's a great lunch today! Look at those smiles!

Due to recent upgrades we are selling some old weight room equipment. We have a Pulldown/Row Machine and Dumbells 50lbs-100lbs($.25/lb). Contact Andy Welsh, anwelsh1@penderschools, if interested

Picture Day is Coming!
Thursday, Sep 7 PK-6th grade
Friday, Sep 8 PK & 7th-12th grade

The Pendragon VB team wins again vs Emerson-Hubbard 2-0! Lost a tough first game of the night to North Bend 0-2. Good games tonight ladies!!

WPPBR softball gets wins for both Varsity and JV vs Schuyler. Varsity wins 12-1. JV score was 12-2.

Tonight's Volleyball Triangular starting at 5:30!
5:30 Pender v. NBC
20 min after G1: NBC v. E-H
20 min after G2: Pender v. E-H

Pender Public Schools presents: Back to the 80's September 8th & 9th 7:00 p.m. September 10th 3:00 p.m.

Team Champions, 3-0 on the day!

Softball Game 3:
WPPBR 11 - David City-EB 3

Game 2 WPPBR Softball:
Gators 11 - Hwy91. 3

Congrats to the Pender VB team for getting their first win against Oakland-Craig this morning! Great job ladies!

Game 1 Gator Softball: Gators 10 - O'Neill 3

Final from Pender: CWCE 52 Pender 16

Pender trails CWCE 22-8 at half.