Flashback Homecoming Royalty 1977
over 7 years ago, Rhonda Heise
HC 77
Congratulations to the girls golf team for taking second at the Oakland triangular yesterday. Paige Peters - 45, Mariah Peterson - 51, Amanda Alford - 56, Lindsey Gralheer - 74 and Kisha Kraft - 80.
over 7 years ago, Andrea Hansen
Congrats to the JV football team on their victory over Randolph
over 7 years ago, Andy Welsh
The Homecoming Games 2017
over 7 years ago, Kelly Ballinger
Flashback Volleyball 2007
over 7 years ago, Rhonda Heise
vb 2007
Flashback Volleyball 1997
over 7 years ago, Rhonda Heise
vb 97
Flashback volleyball 1987
over 7 years ago, Rhonda Heise
Flashback Volleyball 1977
over 7 years ago, Rhonda Heise
Our 5th grade had a great day! 2017 Missouri River Outdoor Expo School Day Invitational! See Facebook for more pics! #PoncaStatePark
over 7 years ago, Kelly Ballinger
5th grades
Once again, the Pender Pendragons have been co-oped with the Wisner-Pilger Lady Gators for softball. The team contest of 3 seniors, 3 juniors, 3 sophomores 10 freshmen (4 from Pender), 6 student managers (2 from Pender), and 6 Coaches (Karrie Bodwell, Duane Mendlik, Samantha Johnson, Ronda Ras, Rebecca Fischer, and Eric Miller). Here is an overall outlook for this year’s softball season from Coach Samantha Johnson. This season will look to be a growing season in most aspects. We are a young team with half of our roster being Freshman. We had a couple spots to fill with graduating seniors as well as injuries. The younger girls have had to step up in more ways than one to fill those holes. The girls will face a lot of good competition over the season. Most of the teams we get to play are teams that made it to the State Tournament last year and always have strong programs. We hope to grow to be that caliber of the team throughout the season and play every game to the best of our ability. The future is very bright for our program!
over 7 years ago, Rhonda Heise
Softball 2017
Flashback football 2007
over 7 years ago, Rhonda Heise
Football 2007
Flashback Football 1997
over 7 years ago, Rhonda Heise
Football 1997
Football Flashback 1987
over 7 years ago, Rhonda Heise
List of names for FB 87
Football 1987
Flashback football 1977
over 7 years ago, Rhonda Heise
Football team 1977
Flashback Football Sorry about the ink marks but that is the only photo we have.
over 7 years ago, Rhonda Heise
After battling from a 3 run deficit, WPPBR softball loses a 4-3 heartbreaker in the bottom of the seventh inning.
over 7 years ago, Eric Miller
Pender loses a tough varsity match to Wakefield 0-3 .
over 7 years ago, Kelly Ballinger
In a great 3 set match Pender JV gets the win!
over 7 years ago, Kelly Ballinger
WPPBR JV softball wins 16-5 over Boone Central!!
over 7 years ago, Eric Miller
Here are the dress up days for Homecoming next week, September 18-22.
over 7 years ago, Rhonda Heise