Bulletin for Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Happy Birthday To... Happy Belated Birthday to Kindrey Robinson, Kaydn Grell, Larry McManigal, Braxten Sebade, and Maddilyn Wingett.
Today's Lunch Menu Is... Chicken & noodles, peas, pears, bun, and salad bar.
Backpack... The following students need to meet Andrea in the lunch room at the start of 6th period on Thursday, January 25th: Ali Lorenson, Sara Krueger, McKenna Juhlin, Hannah Springer and Brittni Beckman.
Advisory Groups... There will be no advisory groups today.
St. Mark's Confirmation... There will be confirmation at St. Mark's from 4 - 5:15 due to regular school day.
January 24th - 3:30 dismissal for PreK - 6th; 3:43 dismissal for JH & HS
January 25th - JV/V GBB vs. Winnebago @ Winnebago 6 pm
January 26th - GBB EHC Tournament @ West Point - Pender vs. Twin River @ 6 pm; P2T Roadshow @ 1 pm
January 27th - 9/10 BBB Homer Tournament; EHC Wrestling Tournament @
Genoa; BBB EHC Tournament @ North Bend - Pender vs. Howells-Dodge will
play following the 6 pm game; WSC Honor Band; Speech Meet @
Bancroft-Rosalie 8 am; JH GBB Ponca Tournament @ Ponca 9 am
January 28th - USD Honor Band
January 30th - JH GBB vs. Oakland @ Oakland 4 pm