Bulletin for Thursday, December 14, 2017
Today's Lunch Menu Is... Chicken strips, macaroni & cheese, broccoli, mandarin oranges, and salad bar.
Backpack... The following students need to meet Andrea in the lunch room at the beginning of 6th period on Thursday: Faith Morris, Rylie Lehmkuhl, Cali Rabbass, Dawson Anderson, Marissa Kelly.
December 14th - JH BBB vs. Wisner-Pilger @ Wisner; JV/V G/BBB vs. Clarkson-Leigh @ Pender 4:30 pm; Wrestling quad @ Laurel 5 pm
December 15th - JV/V GBB vs. North Bend @ North Bend 6 pm
December 16th - 9/10 G/BBB Madison Tournament @ Madison; Wrestling at
Pope John Invite @ Elgin; Flames Youth Dance Camp 9 am - 11 am; V G/BBB
vs. Stanton @ Pender 5 pm
December 18th - FFA Meeting 7 pm
December 19th - JV/V GBB vs. BRLD @ Pender 6 pm
December 20th - Full Day of School; 4th - 6th grade field trip
December 21st - End of Second Quarter; Elementary Pendragon PRIDE
Assembly @ 8:30 am; 1 pm Dismissal; No Afternoon Preschool and No
Afterschool Program; JV/V G/BBB vs. Humphrey/Lindsay Holy Family @
Humphrey 4 pm
December 22nd - January 3rd - Winter Break
January 3rd - Teacher Inservice
January 4th - School resumes for 7 - 12th; No school for PreK-6th
January 5th - School resumes for PreK-6th