Bulletin for Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Happy Birthday To... Mrs. Clark.
Today's Lunch Menu Is... Tavern, tater tots, peas, applesauce, and salad bar.
FFA... FFA photos are now online. Order forms are available in the FFA Room. Order forms are due Nov. 21st to the high school office. www.photosinthecountry.com click on session proofing. ID is: 17pender18
Sounds of the Season... Pender Public Schools Music Boosters present "Sounds of the Season". Sunday, December 10th in the Heese Event Center. Doors open at 5:15, meal at 6 pm and show to follow. Tickets $25 for adults and $12 for children 10 and under. Tickets sold at the Pender School Office.
November 21st - 2017 National Blue Ribbon School Celebration 1:30 pm; JH
BBB vs. Emerson-Hubbard @ Pender 4 pm; FFA District LSE Contest 4 pm
November 22nd - No Afternoon Preschool; No Afterschool Program; 1 pm dismissal for K-12th
November 23rd & 24th - No School - Thanksgiving Break
November 27th - ASVAB Test Interpretation 10:30 am; JH BBB vs. Homer @ Homer 3 pm; One Act Performance for the public 7 pm
November 28th - District One Act @ Newcastle Elementary
November 29th - Mandatory One Act Meeting @ 7:45 am; 2:30 pm dismissal for K-12; 3:30 pm dismissal for preschool
November 30th - JV/V G/BBB vs. Wakefield @ Wakefield 4 pm; Wrestling Wakefield dual @ Wakefield 7 pm
December 1st - Josten's Rep @ 1 pm; JV/V G/BBB vs. Tekamah-Herman @ Pender 4:45 pm
December 2nd - Wrestling Creighton Invite @ Creighton