Bulletin for Friday, November 03, 2017
Happy Birthday To... Mrs. Davis and Kylie Sturek today, Nadine Randall, Allie Hole, and Garrett Christensen on Sunday.
Today's Lunch Menu Is... Cheeseburger, french fries, peas, pears, and salad bar.
Turkey Trot... There are registration forms for the Thurston Turkey Trot outside of the office. Completed forms and money can be turned into the office.
November 3rd - 4th grade field trip to Thurston Country Museum 1:30 pm; Wrestling Parent's Meeting 6:30 pm
November 6th - FFA District Edge Workshop @ Blair
November 7th - Scholarship Work Night 6:30 pm
November 8th - Junior class meeting @ 2:15 pm; 2:30 dismissal for K-12th; 3:30 dismissal for preschool
November 9th - JH BBB vs. Scribner-Snyder @ Pender 4 pm
November 10th - Veteran's Day Program @ 2 pm; Battle of the Bands @ Bancroft 7 pm
November 11th - Boys Youth Basketball Camp