Thank you to all who have donated!!

Donors to the Pendragon Sports Complex as of June 30, 2024 are below. In total, $928,579.30 in donations have been made to the project! All donations are greatly appreciated and are what will make the dream of the Pendragon Sports Complex become a reality! To make a donation and put your name on the list of donors, click this link or click "Donate" on the left side of this page. The goal is to eclipse $1,000,000 in donations. That is an incredibly obtainable goal at this point, which is extremely exciting. Those interested in donating can also contact PPS Superintendent Dr. Jason Dolliver. Contact information is below the list of donors.

Donors List (6-30-24)

This list is updated as often as possible but may not reflect donations made after June 30, 2024. If a correction is needed, please contact Pender Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Jason Dolliver.


Phone: (402) 385-3244 ext. 2310