Who's Who #37 was Mrs. Goodman.  Can you guess #38?

Welcome to another “Who’s Who” at Pender Public Schools.  Let’s get started with education. This person went to school at Wayne High School and Wayne State College.  She was involved in volleyball, track, band, musical, W-club, Spanish club and was a class officer.

Before coming to Pender Public Schools, this PPS staff had four different jobs. She was a lifeguard in Wayne and Texas, worked at Dick’s Dairy Sweet and Milton G. Walbaums, and taught in Texas for nine years.

This week’s “Who’s who’s” interests outside of school are watching her children’s sports, doing water activities, fishing, kayaking and growing flowers.  Her biggest pet peeve is when her children get out food and do not put it back in the refrigerator! Ewww, I can just smell the sour milk and moldy containers.

If this PPS staff could have any job in the world, she would keep this job.  She loves this job so much and cannot imagine doing anything else. Her favorite memory as a child was camping at the lake and all the exploring her sisters and her used to do together. These days, her favorite place to go on vacation is somewhere that has historical value.  She enjoys state and national parks for the interesting and learning opportunities.

Can you “read into” the facts and come up with an answer to this week’s “Who’s who?”